Notice on Semester Registration for New International Students of 2023



Notice on Semester Registration for New International Students of 2023



Dear International Students of 2023,


Hohai University will organize offline registration of international students enrolled in the autumn semester of 2023 in Nanjing and Changzhou on September 4 and 6, 2023, respectively (please pay attention to the website and official wechat account for relevant requirements and processes later). In order to improve efficiency and shorten on-site processing time, please complete online registration and submit relevant materials before offline registration.



1. 由外国留学生本人登录学校信息门户办事大厅留学生电子学期注册平台,核对并填写基本信息,上传以下材料,提交注册申请。





2. 由金沙城线路检测中心审核学生的入学资格。

3. 由各学院复核。

4. 注册结果将通过网上办事大厅平台反馈给申请者。

I. Procedure of Registration

1. International students submit the registration application online.

(1) Applicants shall log into the Online Semester Registration platform of Hohai Information Portal, check and fill in the basic information. If the email address or contact number is wrong, you can modify it by yourself. If other information is wrong, please contact the staff of International School of Hohai University.

(2) Applicants shall upload the following documents in PDF format, and each file is no more than 10m.

(i) Passport, including passport photo page, if you are in China, please provide relevant visa and residence permit page.

(ii) Certificate and diploma of the most advanced degree
 (iii) The transcripts of the most advanced degree

(iv) Study Plan at HHU. If you have recommendation letter from Hohai University, please provide.

Special tips:

a. please ensure the accuracy and authenticity of the materials uploaded. The university will arrange the supervisor according to the materials.

b. Please fill in your location information truthfully. If you are in China, please fill in the specific address, if you are outside China, please fill in the country and city name.

2. The staff of International School will review the application. If approved, the application will be transferred to the colleges; if not, the application will be returned to the applicant for amendment or supplementary materials and re submitted.

3. Each college will review the application.

4. The registration results will be fed back to the applicant through the online platform.


1. 2023831日前,留学生提交注册申请;

2. 202394日前,金沙城线路检测中心审核入学资格;

3. 2023911日前,各学院复核。

II. Time for Online Registration

1. Before August 31, 2023, international students submit application.

2. Before September 4, 2023, International School review the application.

3. Before September 11, 2023, the colleges review the application.



1. 以下情况不予注册:

1) 未能在2023930日前提交正式前置学历、学位的学生;

2) 未能在2023930日前完成线下报到注册的学生;

3) 按照中国防疫部门的规定,到校后经体检复查,发现有不宜在华学习疾病的学生。

2. 以下情况取消入学资格:

1) 同时在其他学校注册学籍的学生;

2) 未按规定办理综合医疗保险的学生;

3) 存在违规违纪、弄虚作假等行为的学生。

3. 未注册成功或未按时注册的学生按照《金沙城线路检测中心外国留学生学籍管理办法》相关条款处理。

4. 本学期将暂停所有线上课程,本科生课程拟于925日(校历第五周)在南京江宁校区开设,硕士课程拟于918日(校历第四周)在常州校区开设,博士课程拟于918日(校历第四周)分别在南京西康路校区和江宁校区开设,具体安排请关注后续通知。

5. 金沙城线路检测中心电子学期注册用户操作手册(新生)

III. Other Issues

1. Disqualified to register if:

(a) The student who fails to obtain the required diploma/degree before September 30, 2023;

(b) The student who fails to complete offline registration before September 30, 2023;

(c) The student who has caught diseases stipulated by the immigration office.

2. Cancellation of the admission:

(a) The student who has registered at other university simultaneously;

(b) The student who is not covered by comprehensive insurance in accordance with the relevant regulations;

(c) The student who has violated any discipline or conducted any dishonesty or fraud.

3. International students who fail to register or have overdue registration shall be dealt with as per the relevant provisions in the Regulations on Education Registration Management of International Students of Hohai University.

4. All online courses will be suspended this semester. Undergraduate courses are scheduled to be offered at Nanjing Jiangning Campus from September 25th (the 5th week of the academic calendar), master's courses are scheduled to be offered at Changzhou Campus from September 18th (the 4th week of the academic calendar), and doctoral courses are scheduled to be offered at Nanjing Xikang Road Campus and Jiangning Campus respectively from September 18th (the 4th week of the academic calendar). Please refer to the following notice for specific arrangements.

5. User Manuals of Online Semester Registration for New International Students, Hohai University.



If any questions, you may contact

招生办公室 Admission office,

教务办公室 Academic




International School

August 27, 2023

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