


Notice on the Semester Registration of 2023 Autumn Semester



Dear International Students,

According to the Chinese government's requirements and relevant university regulations, all online courses and research activities will be suspended from the autumn semester of 2023. All students who are still abroad are requested to contact the responsible counselor as soon as possible to return to campus (see attachment for the responsible counselor). The registration of 2023 intake will begin in early September, and relevant details will be notified later. The following is a notice regarding the registration of students for the autumn semester of 2023.



A. Procedure of Online Registration

International students log into the Online Semester Registration platform of the Hohai Information Portal (http://myhall.hhu.edu.cn/), check and fill in the basic information, report the current study status and submit a registration application. For undergraduates, the teaching secretary of the college will review the application and submit it to International School. For masters and doctors, the application shall get approved by supervisors first, and then the graduate teaching secretary of the college will review and submit it to the International School. Registration results will be fed back to applicants via the online platform.


1. 2023827日前,留学生联系辅导员并提交注册申请;

2. 2023831日前,学院(含导师)审核申请;

3. 202396日前,金沙城线路检测中心办理注册申请。

B. Time for Online Registration

1. Before August 27, 2023, international students submit an application.

2. Before August 31, 2023, colleges (including supervisors) review the application.

3. Before September 6, 2023, International School handled registration applications.

三、 其他事项

1. 外国留学生须按时按要求提交学期注册申请,保证提交信息的真实性、准确性。

2. 提交注册申请后,请及时联系导师和学院审核申请。

3. 线上注册成功并在校的学生视为我校在籍学生

4. 未注册成功或未按时注册的学生按照《金沙城线路检测中心外国留学生学籍管理办法》相关条款处理。

5. 2023年秋季学期教学活动将于828日(教学周历第一周开始)。具体教学安排另行通知,请所有学生做好准备,关注后续通知。

C. Other Related Matters

1. International students shall submit semester registration applications on time and as required and shall make sure of the authenticity and accuracy of the information submitted.

2. International students shall contact their supervisors and colleges to review the application right after submitting it.

3. International students who register successfully and on campus are regarded as registered students of HHU.

4. International students who fail to register or have overdue registration shall be dealt with as per the relevant provisions in the Regulations on Education Registration Management of International Students of Hohai University.

5. Teaching activities for the Autumn Semester of 2023 will start on August 28 (the first week of the calendar). The specific arrangements will be announced separately later. Please be prepared and pay attention to the follow-up notice.


1. 请已入境返校的休学状态的学生及时填写复学申请表,经学院(含导师)审批后,提交教务办,并填写线上表格。

2. 按照上级要求,将严格审批休学申请,请申请休学的学生填写休学申请表附相关证明,经学院(含导师)审批后,提交教务办,并填写线上表格。


3. 如因各种原因无法来华继续学业的学生,请填写退学申请表,经学院(含导师)审批后,提交教务办,并填写线上表格。

D. Notes on Changes in Student Status

1. Students on campus and in suspension status must fill out the resumption application form ASAP. After being approved by the college (including the supervisor), please submit it to the Academic Office and complete the online form.

2. According to the requirements of the Chinese government, suspension applications will be strictly reviewed. Students who apply for suspension must fill out the suspension application form with relevant proof, such as the certificate of sick leave issued by the hospital. After being approved by the college (including the supervisor), please submit it to the Academic Office and complete the online form.

During the suspension period, the university reserves the student's status and scholarship qualifications (if any), but the student shall not be allowed to participate in course study and assessment. International students' cumulative study time and suspension time (including other reserved student status time) shall not exceed the maximum study years.

3. If students cannot continue their studies at HHU for various reasons, please fill out the withdrawal form. After being approved by the college (including the supervisor), please submit it to the Academic Office and complete the online form.

The link for the forms

1. 休学、复学申请表Application Form to Suspend and Resume


2. 退学申请表Withdrawal Form


3. 学籍异动线上表格Study Status Change Application


4. 河海大学电子学期注册用户操作手册User Manuals of  Online Semester Registration


If you have a problem logging Semester Registration Platform, please report it here.




International School

August 23, 2023



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