转发:加拿大皇家科学院、工程院两院院士 Slobodan Simonovic教授系列学术报告通知


报告主题:Systems Approach to Management of Water Resources - Toward Performance-based Water Resources Engineering”


Lecture series 1 – Two lectures (senior undergraduate students, graduate students, faculty)

      Lecture 1.1: “Introduction – principles of systems thinking”

      Lecture 1.2: “Systems analysis – methods and tools”



Lecture series 2 – Two lectures (senior undergraduate students, graduate students, faculty)

      Lecture 2.1: “Simulation”

      Lecture 2.2: “System dynamics simulation”




报告人简介:加拿大皇家科学院和工程院两院院士Slobodan Simonovic教授长期从事全球变化与水资源系统领域的教学与科研工作,先后主持了70多项国际国内重大科研项目。Simonovic教授迄今发表论文约600余篇,总引用次数高达13,150次;发行了水资源研究报告100多册,总下载量高达103,068次。累计担任12个国际刊物主编/副主编,主持召集大型国际学术会议10余次,做大会特邀报告约300余次。Simonovic教授荣获各种国际国内荣誉奖项60 余项,包括美国土木工程师协会Ven Te Chow 终身成就奖、加拿大土木工程师协会Camille A. Dagenais 杰出贡献奖、欧洲水资源协会水资源管理领域杰出贡献奖、日本水文与水资源学会国际水文与水资源领域进步重大贡献奖等,于2013年入选为加拿大工程院院士,2020年入选加拿大皇家科学院院士。

报告摘要: Global change, which results from population growth, global warming and land-use change (especially rapid urbanization), is directly affecting the complexity of water resources management problems and the uncertainty to which they are exposed. Both, the complexity and the uncertainty are the results of dynamic interactions between multiple elements within three major systems: (i) the physical environment; (ii) the social environment; and (iii) the constructed infrastructure environment including pipes, roads, bridges, buildings, and other components. Recent trends in dealing with complex water resources systems include consideration of the whole region being affected, explicit incorporation of all costs and benefits, development of a large number of alternative solutions, and the active (early) involvement of all stakeholders in the decision-making. Systems approaches based on simulation, optimization, and multi-objective analyses, in deterministic, stochastic and fuzzy forms, have demonstrated in the last half of the last century, a great success in supporting effective water resources management. This presentation explores the future opportunities that will utilize advancements in systems theory that might transform the management of water resources on a broader scale. The lecture presents performance-based water resources engineering as a methodological framework to extend the role of the systems approach in improved sustainable water resources management under changing conditions (with special consideration given to rapid climate destabilization). An illustrative example of a water supply network management under changing conditions is used to convey the basic principles of performance-based water resources engineering methodology.

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