硕士学位答辩材料归档清单及要求 Master's degree defense materials filing list and requirements



 Master's degree defense materials filing list and requirements


The general list of materials to be filed after the thesis defense passed


 File table (1 copy)



 Table of contents in volume (1 copy)



 Study Plan (1 copy)


 Work plan of thesis and opening report (1 copy)



Mid-term evaluation form of thesis (1 copy)


 Defense and degree application (2 copies)



Paper review form (2 copies)


Resolution of defense (2 copies)


Reply vote (3 to 5 copies)


Copies of academic papers published.


Thesis ( 9 copies on paper and 1 e-copy)


 Electronic abstract of thesis in Chinese and English (1 copy)



Specific requirements


1The archives shall be returned to the university (the pages shall be arranged and compiled in sequence according to the list of contents in the volume, and all materials shall be removed from nails). After the thesis defense is passed, the archives shall be submitted to the related college for examination and three days before the sub-committee of degree.


 File table (1 copy)


 Table of contents in volume (1 copy)


 Study Plan (1 copy)


 Work plan of thesis and opening report (1 copy)


Thesis (1 copy)


Paper review form (2 copies)


 Defense and degree application(1 copy)


 Resolution of defense (1 copy)


Reply vote (3 to 5 copie, pasted in the blank of the last page of Resolution of defense)


Copies of academic papers published.


Mid-term evaluation form of thesis (1 copy)


 Form of academic activities (1 copy)





2The personnel files of the assigned work unit (no page number is required) shall be returned to the work unit by the college together with other personnel files after the degree award.

 1. Defense and degree application (1 copy);

 2. Resolution of defense (1 copy);

 3. Decision to award the degree  (1 copy).






3Thesis and others

 1. Submit 2 copies of thesis on paper to the reference room of the college where the tutor is located;

 2. Submit 2 copies of thesis on paper and 1 e copy to the reference room of library;

 3. Submit 4 copies of thesis on paper to the related college;

 4. Submit 1 e-copy of abstract of thesis in Chinese and English to the related college.

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