金沙城线路检测中心学生考勤管理规定Regulations on attendance management of Hohai University International School



1. 学生应按规定时间,持录取通知书(新生)或学生证和相关证件来校办理注册手续。因故不能按期报到者,应事先凭有关证明向金沙城线路检测中心请假,并获得批准。

2. 学生应按时参加教学活动和学校统一安排的各项活动,自觉遵守校纪校规。

3. 经批准修读的课程应按时上课。学生不请假或请假未批准以及请假逾期而缺席者,以旷课论处,视情节给予相应的纪律处分。

4. 学生应按要求参加课程考试和/或提交课程报告,通过相应考核后方可取得学分。

5. 学生因病、因事外出必须履行请假手续,应事先向金沙城线路检测中心请假并获得批准。返校时,需至金沙城线路检测中心销假。

6. 学生因病、因事休学,须向金沙城线路检测中心提出申请,经批准后办理离校手续后,方可离校。

7. 学生因病、因事退学,须向金沙城线路检测中心提出申请,经批准后办理离校手续后,方可离校。

8. 学生申请复学时,因提前向金沙城线路检测中心提出申请,经批准后,返校并办理注册手续。

Regulations on attendance management of

Hohai University International School

1.      Students should come to the school for registration with the admission notice (freshman) or student ID card and relevant certificates at the prescribed time. If someone fails to register on time, he should ask the International School for permission in advance with the relevant certificates.

2.      Students should participate in lessons and activities arranged by the university on time, and consciously abide by university rules and regulations.

3.      Students should attend the approved course on time. Students who are absent without permission or leave overtime will be punished as truancy and given corresponding disciplinary sanctions according to the circumstances.

4.      Students are required to take course examinations and/or submit course reports before they can receive credit.

5.      Students must go through related procedures to ask leave of absence due to illness or other reasons. They should ask for leave from the International School in advance and obtain approval. On returning, it is necessary for them to report back to the International School.

6.      Students who are suspended from school due to illness or other reasons must apply to International School and can leave the school only after being approved.

7.      If students drop out of school due to illness or other reasons, they must apply to International School for approval before leaving school.

8.      When students apply for re-entry, they must apply to International School in advance. After approval, they can return to school and conduct the registration formalities.


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